A Beginner’s Must Have or Must Know in Camping
There is no doubt that camping looks like a fun and exciting experience, so you'll be tempted to overlook the small details and jump on a spontaneous trip with your friends. Camping is no joke. It is a serious matter that needs proper planning.
There is much more to camping than just bringing a tent and living with it. Here are some fundamental lessons I learned from my first camping/mountain climbing/trekking adventure.
Things to prepare:
Water – If you're trekking for a long time, you'll get thirsty. For our trek, we made sure each of us brought a liter of water. Just enough to stay hydrated.
Flashlight – During a camping trip, the only source of light is your flashlight. Each of us brought a flashlight to help us see in the dark.
Canned goods – For easy preparation and portability. Forget about bringing eggs.
Portable cooking stove & butane – You can buy these items for a very low price on the market. They are very useful in camping for easy and faster cooking.
Plastic wares – These are often forgotten, but they are vital.
Wet tissue – When we couldn't afford to wash our hands or utensils with our liter of water, wet tissues were a great help.
Swiss knife – It has most of the tools you need for cutting and opening, and it is portable and safe to bring.
Tent – One very important thing to bring camping. I suggest you bring a smaller tent so it wouldn’t be difficult to bring and so you could just tie it to your bag unless you have good guys in the group whom you could ask to bring your tent for you :).
Sleeping bag – one thing I’ve regretted was not bringing a sleeping bag. I didn’t expect the temperature could be unbearable at dawn that I wasn’t able to get a decent sleep.
Carabiner – I see this stuff in stores a lot but I didn’t know it would be of great use to me until our camping trip. One important rule I learned from my camping buddies was “as much as possible, you should not carry something in your hand”. This is where the carabiner came to view. We have to cling some of our stuff in our bags using carabiners.
Last but not least, playing cards and junk food – so you’ll have a fun night at the camp.